How do Enums work in PHP?

Ever been unsure about Enums or why you'd use them? In this post i'll show you real world examples and...

Laravel PDF API

As part of my day job I was required to make PDF's from HTML templates and expose this via an...

How to Install Laravel Spark

Doing a fresh install of Laravel Spark or even an upgrade has proved problematic almost every time i attempt it....

Notifications delayed on Android Pie?

Just recently I noticed that notifications for WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger were not coming through. They'd only show if I...

Laravel Queue Delays Not Working

Using Laravel 5.7 queues along with Redis I found that whilst the events were being dispatched and handled by the...

Cached values not showing in Redis

Recently I wasn't able to access any cached values in Redis. I knew the values were being saved, but no...